This is La Vega by Isaac Albeniz from our recent concert in Poland for the Gliwice International Guitar Festival.
We will be releasing more performances in the next few weeks so watch this space!
This is La Vega by Isaac Albeniz from our recent concert in Poland for the Gliwice International Guitar Festival.
We will be releasing more performances in the next few weeks so watch this space!
We are very excited to be performing again at the Bridgewater Hall as part of Craig Ogden’s Guitar Weekend. It is not very often that we play in front of a home crowd here in Manchester and we are very much looking forward to it. The music, written by Callum Dewar especially for this concert, is a based on the Australian folktale of the Mimis and involves an orchestra of guitars, percussion, didgeridoo, storytelling and guitar quartet as soloists. The concert is on Sunday 18th of January at 2:00pm. For more information you can visit the festival’s page at the Bridgewater Hall website.
We are thrilled to have been invited to give three concerts at the COEX Auditorium in Seoul this August. The concerts, promoted by CBS media, take place in the state of the art 1500 seat venue on three consecutive nights – 18th, 19th and 20th August.
More information about tickets for our friends in Korea can be found by following this link.
We look forward to playing at the following UK festivals over the next few months and hope to see you at one of our concerts!
8th July 2014 – 3:00 pm – Lichfield Festival
Ballroom, Swifen Hall Hotel, Swinfen, Lichfield Staffordshire, WS14 9QS –Map
21st July 2014 – 3.15 pm – Buxton Festival
St. John’s Church, St John’s Road, Buxton Derbyshire SK17 6BE – Map
19th September 2014 – 7:45 pm – Sarratt Festival of Music
Sarratt Village Hall, The Green, Sarratt Hertfordshire WD3 6AS – Map
We are also performing in Manchester on 25th June at the RNCM as part of the concert to celebrate Gordon Crosskey’s 50 years as one of the world’s leading guitar teachers. On the 29th June we give a concert with the Alteri Chamber Choir in Lymm.